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The International Society of
World Wide Stamp Collectors

The Circuit

The Circuit is published bimonthly by the International Society of Worldwide Stamp Collectors (ISWSC), a non-profit organization dedicated to stamp collectors, dealers and clubs whose interests in the hobby cover all aspects of philately. The articles published in this newsletter reflect the viewpoints of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Society, it's officers or board members. Philatelic articles including photos and artwork are welcome and will be published based on available space, timeliness and relevance.

Articles should be submitted via email in a word processing format such as Microsoft Word or in the email itself; photos and artwork in pdf or jpeg formats if possible. We reserve the right to edit all submitted material for propriety and suitable length. Please email submissions to the editor at

You can view a sample copy of The Circuit by clicking here.

Current Issue

The current issue of the The Circuit is Volume 42, No. 5 (September/October 2024). Articles appearing in this issue are:

Three Things to Know
Zululand Left a 24 Stamp Mark on south African Philately
The Stamp Tells A Story: Félix Éboué: Africa’s Unsung Hero of World War II
The Great Ryukyu Islands Postal Scandal of 1966
The Second Round of Grab Bag 2024 Has Arrived
Sales Chart: The Philatelic Top 20
Topical Thunder: Laud of the Rings — The 1964 Olympic Topicals
Anniversary Notice: 100th Anniversary of First Freighter on a Stamp
Dead Country Series: Horta - Stamp Producing Region of Azores Islands
Study Sees Stamp Market Booming to Over $100 Billion
The Hip 40: The Top 40 Sales Charts for HipStamp
French and Portuguese Territories Comprise Four Additional “Congos”
Stamp News from Around the World
Hinge Remnants (Editor ’s Note)
Executive Directors Report

Article Submission Deadlines

Please contact the editor.

Circuit Archives

Archived copies of the Circuit can be reached by clicking here.


Thanks to our editorial staff we have the indices from 2014 to the last completely published year on a webpage. You can get to it by clicking here.

Advertise in The Circuit

Only members of the ISWSC, APS or ASDA may place ads. All ads dealing with philatelic concerns are acceptable. Any ad deemed inappropriate for publishing will be returned to the submitter with a full refund. Advertisers are expected to respond to all inquiries so they must be capable of handling queries before an offer to trade, buy or sell is made. If a problem occurs from answering an advertisement, contact the editor for resolution.

Make all checks payable to "ISWSC" in U.S. currency. Ad copy and text for a classified ad should be sent with a check to Executive Director Dr. Joanne Murphy, PO Box 19006, Sacramento, CA 95819-0006. Payment can be also be made online via PayPal by inserting in the payee window. Also mention the payment is for an ad. The Society does not accept credit cards for payment.

Display rates per insertion:
Back Cover: $125 (full page only)
Inside Front & Back Covers: $100 (full page only)
Full page: $80 (7 x 10)
Half page: $45 (7 x5, 3.5 x 10)
Quarter page: $25 (3.5 x 5, 7 x 2.5)
Eighth page: $15 (1.75 x 5, 3.5 x 2.5)

Six repeat insertions of the same sized ad for the cost of five ads (one free). Ads preferred in email in pdf or jpeg formats. Excessive modifications to art work and typesetting are extra. No bleeds or color presently.

Classified Ads

Society members in good standing can place one free classified ad annually containing 30 words or less. Additional words are 20 for $1.

Classified rates per insertion
First 30 words, including name, address and ZIP code are $3. Additional words are 20 for $1.
NOTE: State abbreviations = one word; "P.O. Box 1234" = two words; ZIP Code = one word.